Tuesday 5 August 2014

Altcoins descriptions.


Ever since the evolution of the concept of digital currency in 2009 marking the release of Bitcoin, there has been much hype worldwide to produce similar alternative cryptocurrency versions. The term Altcoin refers to the alternative cryptocurrencies that are being introduced online. The prime goal of creating an altcoin destination is to provide the interested audiences with current and detailed information about the various other virtual currencies being launched online. The news covers everything about these currencies including the download locations provided by the client, currency specifications, accurate exchange rate at any particular point of time, mining details, and much more.
All crypto currencies are not same and do not use the same hashing algorithms as that of Bitcoin, the inaugural crypto currency that used the SHA-256. Some other hashing algorithms followed by the crypto currency developers include NIST5, X11, X15, 100% POS etc. Though there are many crypto currency versions released with the same algorithms, there some interesting ones that use the scrypt algorithms. You may require some important hardware settings to mine the altcoins depending upon their algorithm patterns. Generally, the GPU and ASIC systems are required. However, there are some currencies that can be mined on the traditional CPU settings as well.
Several altcoin news websites available provide news updates to the viewers as and when any news pertaining to the crypto currency is released. The aim is to keep the audiences well informed on a single platform so that you do not have to bear the hassles of moving to different websites to seek information. Alternatively, these sites also provide the link to the websites of different currency developers that allow you to create your own wallet and purchase these currencies.
Following are some excellent altcoin options that are gradually gaining popularity among the digital currency enthusiasts:

- Ripple

Ripple is a comprehensive payment system regulated by the Ripple Labs remittance network. Established upon a distributed and native currency system of the same name, Ripples is a major currency exchange that operates on the open source IP (Internet Protocol). Allowing global transactions free of cost, the system is empowered with advanced security system and instant transaction facilities. The system operation supports several important fiat currency forms including Dollar, Japanese Yen, and various crypto currency versions including Bitcoin. Ripples transactions system is based on a shared ledger or public database containing the details available offers on assets, purchases, and sale options etc.
The concept and operational system of Ripples was expounded by Vancouver based web developer Ryan Fugger. The idea was first tested in 2004 and in the following year, Fugger started the Ripplepay secure payment system. In 2011, Jed McCaleb introduced the Ripple system eliminating the dependence of Bitcoin transactions on central exchange procedures to speed up the transactions.
The transactions are conducted through the Ripple Gateways (can be an individual or organization), accepting deposits, issuing balance into the ledger etc. All users must extent their consent through the Ripple Trustline bestowing their trust on the gateways and their deposits on the medium. Ripple Trustline also facilitate the users to add the ‘Rippling’ feature to their transaction options. This allows the users to choose between multiple gateways for dealing with their current balance.
The Ripple network also has its native currency- XRP. Having the smallest unit called ‘drop’, Ripples currency can be divided up to 6 decimal places. The value of 1 XRP is 1 million drops. Having widespread implementation, XRP also acts as a bridge currency allowing smooth transactions in the event of non-availability of other direct exchanges. Users performing transactions on non-native currencies are charged a small transaction fee as a measure to curb network-flooding issues.

- Litecoin

The Litecoin (LTC) cryptocurrency, the second largest only next to Bitcoin, operates on an open source software system. Though there are similarities to the Bitcoin, yet some extensive features of this virtual currency has helped to gain recognition in the market and professionals. This currency software operates on the MIT/X11 license, and does not impose any central authority for the mining and regulating the operations. Litecoin was released in 2011 by Charles Lee through GitHub, an open source client. As of reports in 2013, the currency has already crossed the $1 billion marketcap. The most advanced version was introduced in December 2013.
Unlike Bitcoin, the Litecoin implements the scrypt algorithm to regulate the mining process. The mining is best done on the ASIC or FPGA hardware systems compared to the CPU or video card based settings that slow down the process. There are several wallets available for Litecoins purchases, storage, and spending. The most convenient is the Litecoin- Qt convenient for MAC OX, Linux, and Windows platforms. Some other wallets include Litecoin Android, lightweight Litecoin Electrum etc.
The litecoin can be traded on fiat currencies, and alternative cryptocurrencies through online exchanges. The irreversible litecoin transaction system eliminates the problems of chargebacks and credit card reverse transactions etc. To provide faster transaction facilities the Litecoin network allows a block every 2.5 minutes as opposed to the 10 minutes block used by Bitcoin to prevent the double spending issues. Litecoin transactions are executed under a peer-to-peer network and recorded in a blockchain, a ledger usually held with the clients. Each recorded complete transaction is of 15 minutes containing 6 blocks of 2.5 minutes. 
The Litecoin network payments are made to the digital signature based addresses formed of strings containing 33 numeric and alphabetical characters starting with the alphabet L. There are several exchanges for trading litecoins. Mostly litecoins are traded against other cryptocurrency verion Bitcoin, but some exchanges allow traders to use US Dollars, Yuan, Euros etc.


NXT is one of the most important cryptocurrencies that exist in the world market today. Unlike other altcoins, NXT has entirely new concept and addresses many core problem areas confronted by the digital currency users. Considered the second generation of cryptocurrency, the NXT technology is not based on the similar formats as most other altcoins. The technology is completely different and developed from the scratch. NXT offers the convenience of 100% proof of stake (PoS) while most other altcoins function on the proof of work (PoW). The PoS algorithm has been developed with keen attention to provide compatibility with the Smartphone access in addition to other computing devices.
The NXT concept is based and developed on the Java cross- platform programming to allow smooth running on different Operating Systems including Windows, Mac OX, Linux, and others. For smooth access and convenience, the NXT community has built several wallets available online to suit the needs of the clients. The inaugural version of NXT software was released BCNext in September 2013. The developers had put a ceiling on the NXT mining and released only 1 billion NXT currencies and distributed them among 73 stakeholders.
The NXT mechanism has been developed with several unique features including the Transparent Forging system. The feature allows the clients to execute their transactions securely and sending them directly to the node to minimize the time taken to complete the process. NXT has widespread implementation compared to other cryptocurrencies addressing various functionalities including preparation and maintenance of smart contracts, property and digital cash ownership records, enhancing online stock and share transfers, and much more.
The centralized platform like Cryptsy, Bter, BTC-E, or other approved medium are being used for controlling the NXT trading operations. People intending to exchange NXT cryptocurrency need to create their secure 256-bit key account with any of the abovementioned platforms to acquire the coins and receive payments.

- Peercoin

Peercoin is yet another peer-to-peer altcoin that utilizes both the PoS and PoW cryptocurrency mechanisms. This virtual currency was introduced online in August 2012by its developers Sunny King (pseudonym) and Scott Nadal. Sunny King is also associated with another cryptocurrency called Primecoin. Peercoin bears several similarities to the Bitcoin technology sharing the source code and other features. In terms of market capitalization reports of June 2014, Peercoin hold the fourth position amongst the most popular cryptocurrencies circulating in the global domain with a marketcap of $30 million.
The source code distribution of Peercoin is regulated under the software license MIT/X11. Attaining the decentralized and steady annual inflation of 1%, the Peercoin does not impose any hard limit on the number of coins. There is no central bank to control the currency issue operations. The stakeholders issue the tokens. However, a central authority has been appointed to regulate the currency through checkpointing. At present the a marketcap of 2 billion coins has
The algorithm pattern SHA-256 of Peercoin is similar to that of Bitcoin and the peer-to-peer network is used for controlling the transactions etc. Peercoin exchange is mainly regulated online and can be traded for some important fiat currencies and other altcoins. Peercoin is issued upon finding a hash value, adding block of transaction to the shared blockchain. This entire procedure is called mining.
The most notable factor of consideration in this regard is the utilization of the PoS and PoW hybrid system to eliminate the risk of monopoly and acquisition of mining share and number of coins. The PoS also reduces the power consumption during the mining process by eliminating the requirement of running the resource incentive based hashing functions in the cryptography technology. A protocol defined and fixed transaction fee of 0.01 PPC is designed to deflate the money supply
- Dogecoin

Dogeoin has been a subject of major interest in context to the altcoin options due to its rapid mining and circulation online. The coin was introduced in December 2013 and the amount of coins in circulation is expected to cross 100 billion by the end of 2014. The developers also aim to introduce about 5.2 billion more coins every year post 2014. Developed by a Portland based programmer Billy Markus, there were several attempts to eliminate the pitfalls of the bitcoin and other altcoins. The widely accepted logo of the Dogecoin with the friendly mascot “doge” appeared on the dogecoin,com website for the first time. The website domain was acquired and owned by Jackson Palmer, a Sydney based employee of the marketing department of Adobe Systems.
The decentralized virtual currency operating on the peer-to-peer system has been implemented with the aim to provide speed up the process of online money transfer. The dogecoin mining and wallet setting guidelines are provided on the dogecoin.com website. The interested buyers can get started in three simple steps and start purchasing products with these coins.
Dogecoin is again a step ahead in terms of block time that is just 1 minute compared 2.5 minutes in case of Litecoin and 10 minutes in case of Bitcoin. Considering the elimination of limits on Dogecoin mining and production, this digital currency belongs to the group of inflationary currencies. The Dogecoin has already crossed the other altcoins in trading volume in January 2014. In February 2014, the market capitalization of Dogecoin was around 81 million USD.  
The involvement of the Dogecoin in several fundraising events is an exceptional matter concerning the history of cryptocurrencies. While most others are traded for currency exchanges, the involvement of Dogecoin in social causes including Doge4Water and other major 2014 events like Winter Olympics and NASCAR.  

- Namecoin

Namecoin (NMC) is yet another decentralized peer-to-peer cryptocurrency based on open source registration and secure transfer system. This digital currency was introduced online in April 2011. The code used in this altcoin is similar to that used in Bitcoin. The currency acquired importance among the traders facilitating them to regulate merged mining operations. The distributed DNS of the Namecoin is based on the Bitcoin software using the similar SHA-256 algorithm. However, it introduced further elaboration in the software program allowing additional functions including registration, update, and transfer of domains based transactions.
The users can choose from a series of Linux based operating systems including RHEL, Ubantu, CentOS, Fedora and other apart from the Windows and Mac OX versions for mining Namecoins. Supporting merged mining operations, Namecoin offers several wallets to the users. Some important wallets include NMC+BTC Single Wallet, NMC+BTC Bulk Wallet, NMC+BTC Brain Wallet etc. Buying Namecoins is easy using the Bitcoins considering the merged wallet maintenance facilities. Some important Namecoin exchanges from where you can purchase are exchange.bitparking.com, BTC-E etc.
Namecoin is an important milestone in the introduction of decentralized domain name system (DNS), virtually posing an end to the internet censorship. A peer-to-peer Namecoin network has been established to regulate and distribute the coins through consensus in the protocol. The users urging to register a domain name have to complete the registration process and pay 0.01 NMC as fee. The users can choose any public name server participating in the Namcoin system or use a current block chain. At present Namecoin is using the open source software and GitHub hosting. Namecoin uses a separate block belonging to the Bitcoin chain.  
Allowing decentralization of DNS systems, Namecoin is enhanced with secure registration and the facility to transfer the arbitrary names. The mechanism used in Namecoin allows users to attach value to their domain names up to 520 bytes.

- Mastercoin

The mastercoin cryptocurrency is developed on the Bitcoin blockchain. This altcoin functions on the master communication protocol with various features including smart contracts, peer-to-peer decentralized exchanges and user currencies. The initial draft of Mastercoin (MSC) was released in January 2012 by JR Willett. The proposal in the draft suggested using the Bitcoin protocol as the prime protocol layer that can provide a base to other currency layers so that new rules can be implied without altering the foundation.
The Mastercoin was finally released online in July 2013 alongside a fundraiser program for a month long duration. Purchasing the Mastercoins was systematic and the buyers needed to send Bitcoins to a pre mentioned “Exodus Address”. The Mastercoin protocol used special digital tokens to execute the transactions. The developers also inaugurated the Mastercoin Foundation- a nonprofit institution for managing the funds collected at the Exodus Address. As per the reports in February 2014, this altcoin acquired the seventh position in global ranking of cryptocurrencies in terms of market capitalization.
Mastercoin protocol addresses bearing similarity to the Bitcoin addresses provide the facility to store Bitcoins and Mastercoins at the same Bitcoin address. The Mastercoin requires few software settings to get started. Stakeholders already using software such as Bitcoin QT will need the Masterchest Installer and MS Windows operating system to get started. The instruction on proceedings is provided on the website of the Mastercoin Foundation to assist the buyers.
The users have several options to choose from the authentication methods of the Mastercoin Faucet including GitHub, Coinbase etc. The Masterchest Windows wallet v0.4 and the web wallet are two important wallets available for Mastercoin access private keys, sending, receiving and storing. The buyers can purchase the Mastercoins from the exchanges including MasterXchange.com and others. The Master Protocol is equipped with the decentralized exchange feature that can be applied to trade Mastercoins for the Bitcoins using the Mastercoin wallet.

- Darkcoin

Darkcoin (DRK) is a relatively new peer-to-peer based cryptocurrency introduced in January 2014. This altcoin developed by Evan Duffield uses a new chained X11 hashing algorithm functioning on the implementation of the PoW mechanism. This digital currency uses the Darksend closed source system to strengthen the privacy and security of the transactions. Darksend based on the CoiJoin mechanism is an important coin mixing service performed on the masternodes. The Masternodes are efficient in marking the destinations from where the darkcoins are released and where they are sent. Darksend mixing is executed in several rounds. During a round, Darkend allows electing a random masternode for mixing the coins.
The use of 11 rounds of different hashing functions allows the miners to save energy and reduce the pressure on the computer device in use. This also helps to derive higher returns from the CPUs and the GPUs. The miners can choose between solo-mining and P2Pools. Solo-mine urges the need of very high hashrate of around 30 to 40 GPUs. P2Pools is comparatively convenient eliminating the registration obligations and facilitating the users to receive instant payments too. The darkcoin wallets can be used on different platforms including the Android device wallets.     
There are various ways to acquire darkcoins. Interested buyers can directly create an account and mine the currency using the CPU or GPU technology. Darkcoins is based on the Bitcoin code and can also be traded for other cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin. You can also sell merchandize goods and accept payments for the products and services in form of darkcoins. With prime consideration to the inflation concerns, the maximum number of darkcoins to be issued by 2050 is 22 million. The issuance reduction of the number of coins will be 7%. At present around 4.4 million darkcoins are circulating on the global domain.

- Ethereum

Ethereum is the software system especially for regulating the cryptography based secure transactions of the ether cryptocurrency. The ether currency has several smaller units including finney, szabo, Shannon, babbage etc. The present exchange rate of the ether currency against 1 Bitcoin is 2000 ether. So far, around 20,844,728 ethers have been sold in the global market. The Ethereum software platform supported with unique programming language enables the developers to construct advanced distribution applications on the decentralized currency exchange and DNS framework.
The Ethereum based applications are convenient for the users that eliminate the need of trusting the users’ confidential data or currency information to the software developers. Ethereum uses a superb hardware integration to conduct actions like codification, decentralization, improve the security and convenient trading on financial exchanges, contracts and agreements, intellectual and smart property, crowdfunding etc.
The Ethereum protocol is available for everyone out there. This easy to understand protocol allows the developers and IT programmers to record the smart contracts write the Ethereum app codes in languages as per requirement. Ether is a convenient mechanism for developing and distributing the decentralization based applications.
The developers are planning to launch the Genesis Block during the winter 2014-15. The genesis block will provide several benefits to the users who have purchased ether during the pre sale period. This mechanism will help the users to claim their merchandise by making use of the wallets and the password created during the initial purchase. Hence, those who have already purchased the ethers should preserve their wallet and the password for future transaction processes. In the event of losing any of the data or the wallet, the buyers will end up losing their ether forever. The buyers seeking to purchase ether need to have JavaScript enabled on their computer. Alternatively, the users must ensure that the plugins, applications and programs blocking the JavaScript should be disabled before starting the download and installation process.

Beginer Investors guide.

Bitcoin investing guide.
Bitcoin investing guide.
Posted by Kaan Dilek On July 28, 2014 0 Comment Edit
Bitcoin is said to be relative to the early stages of the internet, with millions being spent on building the foundational iinfrastructure to provide an evolutionary and a down right disruption to the remittance, forex, gold/silver, payment/credit card and micro payment networks collectively worth trillions, bitcoin has caught the attention of various levels of investors from within the periphery, from institutional to private investors speculating the late 2013 spike where bicoin went from $200 to $1100 in matter of days then crashing weeks later will happen again.
To date of conception in 2008/9 to its peak in November 2013 the bitcoin price has multiplied by several thousand times. This volatility has left bullish investors checking the price on an hourly basis and conservative investors cautious on the payment platform, but one cannot dismiss the millions in venture capital funding being poured into the cultivation of the payment system implying that an anticipation that bitcoin will reach mass adoption thus effecting the trading price.
Should I Invest in bitcoin?
Bitcoin is as classic example of a high risk, high reward investment, bitcoins deflationary nature of 21 million, each coin has potential to be a rare commodity should the adoption curve swing towards its favour. But the risk is very real and omnipresent.
Disruptive technology adoption trends are charted with whats refered to as the “s” curve.

The early adopters and innovators within the exponential curve, should bitcoin become ubiquitous, will benefit the most out of their investments, at the time of writing this article we are still with the early adoption stage of the growth cycle.
Examples of s curve adoption.

Amazon and Dropbox.

It is very important to note that the stock price is very volatile during these adoption curves also traditionally this trend is pre IPO (initial public offering) and SEC (Securities and exchanges commotion) regulations state that non institutional and private investors may not participate in pre IPO so this volatility is not seen nor available to the public and is only available to institutional investors. This is why private investors are not used to such volatility and is the opportunity that bitcoin presents to the public otherwise not available within traditional investment practice. However several very real risks need to be considered prior to investing.
Is bitcoin in a bubble?
Bitcoin does exhibit characteristics of a traditional bubble model. These are inflated by speculation fever where an asset price is anticipated to multiply several times in a short amount of time. On that basis bitcoin is currently the undisputed champion of the world multiplying several tens of thousands of times since its inception till its height in November 2013.
Bitcoin price boom and bust between November 2013 to January 2014.

Comparing this price profile against the model of a classic bubble chart, well……..

Speculation drives an estimate fluctuating 7% of the total bitcoin price. Regardless of this acute correlation bitcoin still yields attention from investors and merchants. Again, bitcoin stands to disrupt FOREX, remittance, credit card network, micro payments and gold/silver or store of wealth markets collectively worth trillions. Bitcoin provides this service inherently within the blockchain and the distributed and decentralised bitcoin network nearly for free. This utility and robust resilience is what bitcoin investors, institutional and private are talking about.
A store of wealth.
Correlation’s between bitcoin and precious metals specifically gold  have been made on several occasions, referred to as “digital gold” and is said to be modelled on golds characteristics, however bitcoins status as a store of wealth is anything but unanimous.  Gold has thousands of years of reputation whilst bitcoin is only several years old and stands relatively untested. This is a area that can only be speculated that will develop as bitcoin matures.
Price Volatility
Wild swings in bitcoin are a common occurrence, this is attributed to several factors such as:
  • ¥ Negative and positive news
  • ¥ Investor confidence
  • ¥ Speculation fever
  • ¥ Large buy/sell orders (whales)
  • ¥ Infant market cap
  • ¥ Regulatory pressure
  • ¥ Lost bitcoins
  • ¥ Mined bitcoins
  • ¥ Adoption curve
51% Attack.
This is stated to be a plausible but not very probable scenario, this attack is possible when a single mining pool controls 51% of the bitcoin mining infrastructure, granting the controller the ability to manipulate the public ledger (blockchain) by double spending coins and not validating transactions within the network and effectively compromising security. Accumulating 51% of the mining network would yield a price tag of millions and millions of dollars in mining hardware, compromising the bitcoin network by controlling the majority and manipulating the blockchain would also mean compromising a multiple million dollar investment in mining hardware as security and anti fraudulent practice are aspects of what gives bitcoin value. However this is still a plausible scenario, 51% capacity has been reached by non malicious mining pools in the past whilst not launching an attack this scenario is a plausible one.
Account Hackers.
Bitcoin is purely digital making it perfect for tech savvy hackers to infiltrating online and desktop wallets. If purchased, bit coins should be stored securely.
Loss of Bitcoin.
The majority of bitcoin that have been lost, have been via forgotten private keys, deleted desk top wallets or crashed and damaged hard rives.
Nothing has existed quite like bitcoin has ever existed so to classify it from a regulatory perspective has proven to be quite difficult. Several states have embossed a flat out ban whilst others are more receptive. Regulation will ultimate have a massive role in bit coins future. It is important to understand that no one regulatory body has authority over bitcoin nor will it ever. Bitcoin will be regulated on a state to state basis.
Technology is a lucrative and notoriously unpredictable field of investing. Having the lead in market momentum does not mean that it will not be overtaken by superior technology, facebook consumed the  myspace market and google, yahoos’ and iPhone the blackberry,.
Will this happen to bitcoin?
This is an introduction into investing in bitcoin not intended as advice. Consult investment experts for guidance.

- See more at: http://www.worldbitcoinnews.com/bitcoin-investing-guide/#sthash.qFgcoH6U.dpuf

Bitcoin in India

Bitcoin in India.

Synopsis of Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies in India
Cryptocurrency has emerged as one of the most interesting medium of exchange with overwhelming response from people worldwide ever since the evolution of the concept and the launch of Bitcoin in 2009. Bitcoin is credited to be the inaugural virtual currency developed with unique and protected exchange system based on the advanced cryptography technology. Developed by Satoshi Nakamoto (pseudonym), this form of crypto currency is the most popular choice in the global domain and India is not an exception. Ever since, several crypto currency concepts have been developed and launched into the global market including Litecoin (2011), Dogecoin (2013), and Auroracoin (2014) to name a few important ones.
In India, the value of Bitcoin is extremely high accounting for around 36000 INR for 1 Bitcoin. The value of the currency keeps fluctuating depending upon the availability and demand among the buyers. The scarcity of Bitcoin stocks and the growing number of buyers indicate that the prices are likely to be escalated to control the regulations smoothly. The increasing inclination to the internet browsing and the exaggerated hype about the digital currency concept is credited for the growth of Bitcoin demand. Offering a great convenient transaction, this form of currency is directed to replace the traditional form of payment systems employing the peer-to-peer networking methodology. There has been high anticipation among the interested buyers and developers about the acceptance and recognition of the cryptocurrency as a major medium of exchange in many countries including India.
Legality of Bitcoin in India
As per the declaration notice issued by the Reserve Bank of India in June 2013, the central governing body managing the financial system and regulations in the country stated that the circulation and implementation of all forms of cryptocurrency pose complications in terms of legal acceptance, circulation system, and regulatory processes. Later, in the month of August, it was also declared that the Bitcoin and other forms of the digital currencies are under scanner. After a detailed scanning of the entire system and growing operations in the Indian market, the RBI released an advisory notice in December 2013 requesting the Indian buyers to abstain from any sort of Bitcoin transactions or other forms of crypto currencies available online. Simultaneously, the organization also declared that the authorities are not going to regulate the virtual currency into the Indian monetary system.
It is important to consider that the Bitcoin trading operations do not fall under the ambit of governmental organizations in anyway. Several developed countries including Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Germany, Japan, and the US have legalized the Bitcoin trading operations and financial transactions. Several brand owners and retailers are now accepting cryptocurrencies as payments. There is a little problem for the Bicoin buyers due to the non-acceptance from various sources. Several major eCommerce sites speculative about the authenticity of the currency and do not recognize or accept it.
There are reports coming from different parts of the country about the ongoing mining and circulation of the currency through multiple transaction channels. The mining is very convenient and can be controlled through a standard computer device. The mining process is conducted under a preset algorithm to control the operation. The bitcoins can be sent and received from one wallet to another for secure storage and transfer.

Bitcoin Market Response in India
Despite the governmental regulations, the Bitcoin crypto currency form has gained widespread popularity among the Indian citizens. As per the survey reports published in Mumbai Mirror, the official data shows that the Bitcoin wallet downloads conducted from IP addresses from different cities across the nation have already exceeded 29,400. Several enthusiasts have been reported to download multiple wallets. The Bitcoin trading has become hugely popular in cities like Ahmadabad, Bangalore and others. Traders in Ahmadabad are gaining high profits due to the ever-increasing chain of zestful buyers. As per the current statistics, there are over 2000 Bitcoin users operating India. Several trading sites including http://buysellbitco.in/ and http://rbitco.in/ are growing with high profit gains.
Buying and selling Bitcoins in India is very convenient nowadays. The online transaction processes are already available providing several important payment gateways to purchase Bitcoins. Those who are not comfortable and used to the online money transfer systems can deposit Indian currency at various Axis Bank and HDFC branches to complete the payment processes. Payments through these banks help the buyers to save money on excessive fees and exchange rates.
There is no denying the fact that amid all the insecurities and non-acceptance as a standard currency form, the Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency circulations are going to rein the Indian market. Offering low cost transaction facilities on the backdrop of decentralized network, no hassles of remittance issues, and other facilities, this form of currency has bright future of emerging as an eminent transaction platform

Bitcoin in Kenya and Africa.


Development of Bit-coin and Crypto-currency within Kenya and Africa
Currently, more than 250 million people live outside their home countries where they send money back to their family and friends. It is estimated than over a half trillion dollars is sent annually to friends and families. This is called remittance. This implies the fact that this money will be in circulation in different routes and through different currencies. These routes have been interlinked densely by networks of international and national governments, human relationships, currencies, technologies, corporations, organizations and laws. Due to this regard the nexus of actors and forces which are interrelated will constantly reshape the channels that people use to send money home while working abroad. In this column, I will draw our attention on the developments that have been taking place in Kenya and Africa in the Crypto-currency space as well as other technologies which are decentralized.
One of the recent developments in the field of Crypto-currency in Africa and specifically Kenya is through the establishment of BitPesa. BitPesa is a Kenyan company that currently basks in the Bitcoin field. It’s currently on its startup whereby it is seeking to facilitate remittances of Bitcoin to Kenya. BitPesa opened for the services early this year whereby it is offering the exchange of Bitcoins to Kenyan Shillings. The money is deposited into a specified mobile account called M-Pesa.
Working with its namesake, M-Pesa, BitPesa offers its services seamlessly. This is a viral electronic network for cash that is owned by one of the leading cellular provider in Kenya that is known as Safaricom. M-Pesa serves as a currency which is electronic and privatized where the users are required to deposit the money with Safaricom and in-turn their balance will be linked to their Phone-Number. Users and customers will in turn be able to spend the cash by accessing them from M-Pesa merchants- whose network is ever-expanding or buy goods with the cash by the M-Pesa pay services or just send the cash to other people’s phones. Recently, there has emerged very much advancement in M-Pesa such that users can use the cash to hire cabs, pay bills as well as buy groceries. A rate of 3% is charged by BitPesa to deposit the cash from Bitcoin to your M-Pesa account. According to the resent financial estimate reports in Kenya it was estimated that over 31% of the Kenya’s GDP goes passes via the M-Pesa networks.
Safaricom serves as the leading and most profitable East-African Company whereby it has expanded its markets to other parts of the world it has lead to generation of other competitors like Econet’s EcoCash which are based in Zimbabwe. Currently, BitPesa have the claims users will be able to make deposits of Bitcoin with the help of their platform worldwide and later designate M-Pesa accounts in Kenya to get the cash in Kenyan shillings. The conversion takes minutes as it is automatically, thus the recipients will receive the cash within minutes in their mobile phones. Senders are required to find their own ways on how to buy the Bitcoins although BitPesa have the tutorials online on how to go about this.  While acquiring the Bitcoins via BitPesa the 3% rate is not inclusive. In a similar note the recipients are not required to have Bitcoin addresses or worry about any volatility in the market.
It is although worthwhile to note the fact that there is no BitPesa currently in United States, this is due to the rigid restrictions of international transfer of money by the country. Otherwise, the services of BitPesa are available in the UK. When you are finding options for sending money from the rich to poor countries, BitPesa can serve as the best option.

On the other hand, there is also a notable Bitcoin startup that has been established in Ghana by the name Kitiwa. This one works the other way round. Kitiwa works by allowing people who are based in Accra to buy Bitcoins with the help of their local currencies so that they can be able to send money abroad and make online payments. This service is highly needed in the country due to the fact that networks like PayPal and Visa block people in Ghana routinely. Users of Kitiwa initiate themselves in the service by first opening a Bitcoin address. There is a tutorial in the Kitiwa website that users can access to learn how to use Blockchain.info which will help them in the service. Users will then pay for the Bitcoin using the MPower-payments services- this is a Ghanaian mobile payment services that is just in its initial stage where it allows users to fund purchase with the help of their mobile money accounts, credit cards as well as bank accounts. These are just some of the recent but very important developments in the field of Crypto-currency within Kenya and Africa.